
Nov 05, 2014

Anatomy of a Prelaunch: FreshAir Sensor’s 2 Smart Steps

Jack O'Toole T'14 and Dartmouth professor Joe BelBruno discuss two key steps taken before debuting their smoke-detection product at a Manhattan trade show.

Nov 04, 2014

Keeping up with the millennials: Big expectations, fierce anxieties

A study by adjunct assistant professor Alexander Jordan suggests, "if young people spend more time on social media and less interacting in person, 'they may be more prone to unrealistic comparisons that leave them feeling inadequate.'"

Nov 04, 2014

Growth In Internal Consulting Opens Up Careers For MBAs

Highlights Tuck's 2014 employment numbers, indicating that 40 percent of Tuck's class of 2014 accepted jobs in consulting and strategy functions.

Nov 03, 2014

Mired in Mediocrity

A commentator cites Matthew Slaughter's description of the Republican economic agenda as, “a compendium of modest expectations.”

Nov 03, 2014

Small Caps: The Good, Bad and the Ugly

Points to Eugene Fama and Ken French's 1992 paper, "The Gross Section of Expected Stock Returns," which showed that U.S. Small Cap stocks tend to outperform the market over time.

Nov 03, 2014

The Academic Week Ahead

Highlights Tuck's 2014 Diversity Conference which begins Thursday, Nov. 6.

Nov 03, 2014

How will Europe’s economy escape the doldrums?

An opinion piece quotes associate dean Matthew Slaughter on the impact Europe may have on the U.S. economy.

Oct 31, 2014

Civil Rights Icon Julian Bond Visits Dartmouth

Dia Draper, MBAPO associate director for strategic initiatives, greeted civil rights leader and educator Julian Bond at the Hanover Inn yesterday.

Oct 31, 2014

Tim Cook, authenticity and America’s (slowly) changing corporate culture

Concerning Tim Cook's announcement that he is gay, Sydney Finkelstein says, "We'll know we're at the right place when this is barely news at all."

Oct 30, 2014

The downside of success

Sydney Finkelstein compiled a list of five fundamentals that are at the heart of corporate survival.

Oct 30, 2014

Why a GOP Controlled Congress Doesn’t Mean Much for Small Business

Associate Dean Matthew Slaughter does not see great potential for job creation in Republican economic proposals.

Oct 30, 2014

Stagnant Wages Could Drive Voters At The Polls Next Week

Matthew Slaughter says candidates are not proposing ideas that would lead to meaningful job creation.

Oct 29, 2014

A Surveillance Device That Can Tell Other People When You Are Smoking

Created by Dartmouth chemistry professor Joseph BelBruno and developed with help from Tuck, the FreshAir Sensor detects when someone has smoked tobacco or marijuana.

Oct 29, 2014

Republicans Are Running for Congress on Their ‘Jobs Plan.’ Slight Problem: It Won’t Create Any...

Matthew Slaughter is quoted on the Republican economic agenda.

Oct 28, 2014

Should Companies Report Profits Less Often?

At minute mark 5:01, Jeff A. Weiss, adjunct professor of business administration at Tuck, explains how to negotiate for what you want without isolating your colleagues.

Oct 28, 2014

Some MBAs Are Now Making $185,000 Right Out Of School

John A. Byrne reports that 2014 Tuck graduates saw the highest increase in starting salaries, along with job offers and acceptances, since before the Great Recession.

Oct 27, 2014

Companies with women board members make more money

Vijay Govindarajan says diversity is the key to maximizing mega business opportunities.

Oct 27, 2014

Wealth of MBA and CFA Employment Opens in Asset Management

BusinessBecause reports that, at Tuck, "investment management has risen to be the second most popular finance function."

Oct 27, 2014

Tuck MBA Profs Take Business Education to Undergrads

A feature story on the recent announcement that Tuck will partner with Smith College to deliver the first Smith-Tuck Business Bridge Program this summer.

Oct 24, 2014

Bear Market: How the Griz Coat Became a Millennial Phenomenon

Businessweek explains why Griz Coat, a brand of bear coats created by Karl and Hans Reichstetter, both T'10s, has become so popular among millennials.

Oct 24, 2014

The Challenge of Corporate Social Responsibility

Robert Howell says the challenge of corporate social responsibility, "is to balance the needs and aspirations of the various constituents while at the same time assuring the long term financial success of the company."

Oct 24, 2014

Tuck & IMD Team Up On Leadership

Tuck and the International Institute for Management Development (IMD) have partnered to create a new executive education certificate program, Transition to Business Leadership.

Oct 24, 2014

Amazon Top Employer of Ross ’14 MBAs

Poets & Quants reports that, "Business school employment reports for the Class of 2014 began trickling out this week, with the Tuck School of Business reporting highly positive results only yesterday."

Oct 23, 2014

Tuck Career Stats Among Best Ever

Poets and Quants spotlights Tuck’s impressive 2014 career statistics.

Oct 23, 2014

Clouds Darken for America’s Blue-Chip Stocks

Sydney Finkelstein comments on the declining market performance of “blue chips,” or older companies like Coca-Cola Co. that are counted on to perform.

Oct 23, 2014

Economists See Limited Gains in G.O.P. Plan

Associate Dean Matthew Slaughter says tax cut agenda will lead to modest job creation.

Oct 22, 2014

3 Ways to Fast-Track Your Savings

Cites a study co-authored by Amit Bhattacharjee which found that younger people enjoyed extraordinary experiences, such as big trips abroad, while older adults found just as much happiness in everyday experiences.

Oct 22, 2014

Why Companies Need to Focus on Cash Flow

Robert Howell says, "Every employee from the C-suite to the factory floor should focus on cash-flow generation to increase the intrinsic value of the firm."

Oct 22, 2014

Narcissistic Co-Workers and More at B-Schools

Businessweek includes Tuck's Women in Business Conference on its weekly calendar of events for business schools.

Oct 20, 2014

Shale Boom And Talent Crisis Ignite MBA Job Growth In Energy Industry

Career Development Office director Jonathan Masland says, “I have seen increased hiring related to the energy industry through consulting, investment banking and private equity roles related to the energy industry, versus direct interest from oil and gas firms."

Oct 20, 2014

Amazing, once-in-a-lifetime experiences make us social misfits

Amit Bhattacharjee comments on a Harvard study which suggests that "the human desire to share out-of-the-ordinary experiences with others may amount to a fundamental miscalculation of what brings people together—and could even be a social liability."

Oct 20, 2014

Getting Private Investors to Fund Public-Health Projects

John Vogel comments on social-impact bonds—contracts designed to appeal to investors who want part of their portfolio go toward what they see as a social good.

Oct 20, 2014

The Academic Week Ahead

Highlights Tuck's 2014 Women in Business Conference which will take place beginning Friday, Oct. 24.

Oct 17, 2014

Programs to help women relaunch careers plummeted during recession

Highlights a program co-directed by Anant K. Sundaram prior to the recession that helped skilled women reenter the workforce after they took a break from the working world.

Oct 16, 2014

Does an MBA Matter to Shareholders?

Alexander M. Cutler T'75, CEO of Eaton, is listed at #34 on Harvard Business Review's (HBR) ranking of the best-performing CEOs in the world.

Oct 16, 2014

Healthcare Hiring Boom Prescribes New Careers For MBAs

Quotes Robert Hansen on the creation of the Master of Health Care Delivery Science (MHCDS) program.